Design and construction of a bifocal scanner for obtaining a cloud of points through filtering and acquisition of images

Main Article Content

Jorge Yánez Cajas
Juan Musuña Toapanta
Luis Oñate Cadena
Bayardo Campusano Nieto


The project aims at building a bifocal swivel base made of 2 web cameras and a laser. It will capture multiple images from different angles and then be processed and digitized. At a later stage computer vision techniques were applied to remove noise, adjust brightness, highlight edges, improve the image in grayscale, and select the region of interest. The selection process of the region of interest values indicate the position coordinates of X, Y , Z, this being the point cloud to be found. This allows the reconstruction of 3D from a 2D image through stereoscopic vision, as their analysis is performed by means of slices or sections of the captured images.

Article Details

Scientific Paper
Author Biographies

Jorge Yánez Cajas

Estudiante de Ingeniería Electrónica

Luis Oñate Cadena

Ingeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Docente de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito 

Bayardo Campusano Nieto

Físico, Especialista en Visión Artificial – Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Docente - UPS - sede Quito.


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