The water-energy nexus: Analysis of the water flow of the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Project

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Francisco Terneus-Paez
Sebastián Jiménez-Mendoza


This article analyzes the interrelation between water and energy, taking as a case the analysis of the water flow of the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Project. Investigate the case of this emblematic project, where the water uses of consumption would decrease the inflow to the driving tunnel, which would risk its power generation capacity. Bibliographic research is used for this purpose. It is concluded that the Chalpi Grande project and the following phases of the Rios Orientales; and the Cayambe Pedro Moncayo irrigation projects and the Pesillo Imbabura potable water would affect the flow of inputs of the hydroelectric project by up to 11% and, therefore, their energy production, demonstrating the need to plan the use of these resources considering their nexus.